Short Film
Short Film
Short Film
Augmented is the story of Aleka, an environmental rebel, who lives in a segregated society controlled by Mega Corporations like Newland Genetics. Newland has ensured that those who have not undergone their “augmentation” services are now considered leftovers from an unevolved past. Disgusted with the growing injustice towards her family and other naturals, Aleka decides to take action. With the growing efforts to spread her revolution, she discovers that although she embodies everything that Newland hates, she is of unique value to them.
Created by David S. Sanchez and developed together with Björn Gromoll
Directed by Björn Gromoll, Co-Dir. David S. Sanchez
Bilal Caliskan Assistant producer
Daniela Celant Producer
Björn Gromoll Producer/ Executive Producer
Miguel Angelo Pate Associate Producer
Eskindir Tesfay Producer
Daniela Celant Producer
Björn Gromoll Producer/ Executive Producer
Miguel Angelo Pate Associate Producer
Eskindir Tesfay Producer
David Sanchez Executive Producer
Augmented is the story of Aleka, an environmental rebel, who lives in a segregated society controlled by Mega Corporations like Newland Genetics. Newland has ensured that those who have not undergone their “augmentation” services are now considered leftovers from an unevolved past. Disgusted with the growing injustice towards her family and other naturals, Aleka decides to take action. With the growing efforts to spread her revolution, she discovers that although she embodies everything that Newland hates, she is of unique value to them.
Created by David S. Sanchez and developed together with Björn Gromoll
Directed by Björn Gromoll, Co-Dir. David S. Sanchez
Bilal Caliskan
Assistant Producer
Daniela Celant
Björn Gromoll
Producer / Executive Producer
Miguel Angelo Pate
Associate Producer
Eskindir Tesfay
David Sanchez
Executive Producer